Isaiah Saw The True Face Of Aadishri Arun

While I was writing a small book and sitting to write for 7 years of great tribulation, I remembered that Isaiah saw the true form of Ishwar Putra. Ishwar Putra had shown him his true form and that he abetted in the Bible, Isaiah said that many people were astonished to see him because his appearance was so impaired that it did not look like a human and his beauty was no longer like that of men. (Bible, Isaiah 52:14) Bible, Luke 22:42, states that – Father, if you want, take this bowl away from me, but not mine but your wish is fulfilled. If you want me to suffer for the human race, then only your wish is fulfilled. Who believed the news given to us? And to whom is the arm of God revealed? (Bible, Isaiah 53: 1)

Who believed the news given to us? And to whom is the arm of God revealed? (Bible, Isaiah 53: 1) What was that news? Father, if you want, take this bowl away from me, but not mine but your wish is fulfilled. If you want me to suffer for the human race, then only your wish is fulfilled. In what did that power of God show ? On whom did God show his strength to save man? God showed his strength to whom God sent to make him a man on this earth.

And his name is Adishri. Adishri shedding tears and prayed to God – O God ! If possible, remove this bowl. However, not mine, but your wish be fulfilled. If you want me to suffer for the human race, then only your wish is fulfilled. Adishri is the one who has been called a man, a servant of God. He says that I do not waste this bowl. Adisri says about the bowl of God’s anger that people had to drink, O God ! If possible, remove this bowl.

He grew like a seedling in front of him, and grew like a root that broke out in the waterless land; He neither had any beauty that we would see him, nor did he see his form as if we wanted him. (Bible, Isaiah 53: 1) Usar or waterless land means a land where there is no moisture. Everything that grows there is small and withered. That is, Adishri did not get any happiness, no peace, he came to stay at such a place. He went through sorrows all day. Where Adishri grew, he did not have his own house to live there. He had no clothes to wear, no money for shopping. That is why it is said that he grew in a place which is called waterless land.

Who elected is this? This choice was of God as a man who said – O God ! If possible, remove this bowl. He neither had such a beauty that you could see him and neither did he see such a form that you would like him. He settled in Adishri Indraprastha i.e. Puth Khurd of Delhi so that the promise which was made by the prophets would be fulfilled. Which is called a pile of sorrow. Bible, Isaiah 53: 3, states that he was despised and abandoned by men; He was a sad man, he was diagnosed with disease; And people turned away from him. He was despised, and we did not recognize its value.

Such is Adishri. He is a sad man. He was abandoned. People used to reject him wherever he went. People did not like him wherever he went. Who saw this form of Adishri ? Isaiah. Today you call him the Messiah of the people, the highest of all names, the greatest of all names, the ocean of love, the most beloved, the beloved of all. This Adishri went to such an extent that he was abandoned and became a miserable man. The animals are home, the birds are gripped but there is no roof above the forehead for the Ishwar Putra to live. Then he said that I should also be house and become house.

Why such a navigation? Why such a situation? Because he was familiar with the disease; And people turned away from him. Nobody liked Adishri’s face. Nobody liked the appearance of Adishri. Just think what kind of life God had chosen for Adishri, which is called God Son, which is called Adishri. He is God but he was despised by the people. And wrote that we did not know its value. Because you did not understand that this son of God, this son of God, this Adishri God came from heaven to earth and lived such a life but you did not know its value. The question arises that if you have not seen the real face of God the son, how will you know its value? God the son did not show his real face to anyone, Adishri did not show his true form to anyone, so how would any person know his value? But he showed his form to Isaiah, which you can find in the book of the Bible.

Ishwar Putra lived among the patients and told them go go I have forgiven you. God the Son lived among the sinners and told them that go I have forgiven you. Ishwar Putra was with the poors and full of sorrow and told them go , I forgive you. – This is God son, this is like Adishri. This is like Adishri who took away everyone’s sorrow, eradicated everyone’s disease, took away everyone’s anger, turned everyone’s sorrow into joy. Isaiah said that surely he had endured our diseases and carried our sorrows; However, we considered him to be slain and lying in plight on behalf of God. (Bible, Isaiah 53: 4)
Bible, Matthew 8:17, states that – This happened so that God fulfilled what the prophet Isaiah said in the scripture, Bible, Isaiah 53: 4: “He took away our diseases and covered us with sorrows.” He wore a crown of thorns on his forehead.

The hypocrites told you that you give ten thousand rupees, we will cure your disease and cheat you. The hypocrites told you that you give twenty thousand rupees, we will remove your disturbance and they cheated you. Give twenty five thousand rupees, we will remove your evil spirit and cheat you of money. But did God Son ever ask for money from you? But you have forgotten that what price did Ishwar Putra pay for your cancer? Who paid your price for your Corona virus? Who has paid such a price for your kidney disease? Who paid your price for your blindness? Who has paid such a price for your deafness? Who paid such a price for you leprosy?

What price has he paid for your diseases, which the doctor has said that this disease cannot be cured. What price has he paid for your death, which the doctor has said that it cannot be saved. You have not got what you have got by spending millions of rupees from the compassion of God the Son. Bible, 1 Peter 2:24 says that the Ishwar Putra is lifted up on his own body so that you may live a life of righteousness. It is very sad that there is no real identity of What price has he paid for your diseases, which the doctor has said that this disease cannot be cured. What price has he paid for your death, which the doctor has said that it cannot be saved. You have not got what you have got by spending millions of rupees from the compassion of God the Son. Theology, 1 Peter 2:24 says that the God Son is lifted up on his own body so that you may live a life of righteousness. It is very sad that there is no real identity of Ishwar Putra.

Beware of Cloth

O scattered people in the world ! Be careful, Those who walks on the line of scale of God under the direction of Son Of God Arun, only those people will be safe in this battle of Armageddon. In Bible, Revelation 16:13 – 14, John testified that – I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. (more…)

End Time, Corona Virus and Horseman of Revelation

End Time, Corona Virus and Horseman of Revelation
Aadhishri Arun Oct 2020

You have entered into the end of the world. God has sent the corona virus to announce the end of the world. Theology states that difficult times will be present in the end times. Those difficult days have begun in year 2019/2020. Jesus ​​told his disciples that at that time there would be such a great tribulation, which has not happened since the beginning of the world, nor ever will. (Matthew 24:21) (more…)

Warning given to China By Using Divine Wepon ” Agnyeshtra “

Hey man ! On Dated 23 December 2020 Wednesday at 7 A.M. Warning was given to China by using Divine weapon ” Agnyeshtra “.

Hey man ! Take it seriously and wear purity, cleanliness and refined yourself. Date 23 December 2020 day Wednesday at seven in the morning, a fire ball fell from the sky between Nagkian County and Yushu City in Qinghai Province, China. A huge ball of fire appeared in the sky and upon seeing it fell on the ground very fast. This mystery of fire was small at first but after three minutes it became very big and bright. This huge circle of fire fell from the sky, the locals were in panic. (more…)