Lord Kalki & Aadishri Arun
In the beginning there was God alone. There was only light. Before creation, this universe existed in no other form except that of the Lord. It stands to reason that no person, however mighty or wise….
What Is New Haven
New Heaven is in India, Delhi – 110039 at Pooth Khurd near Maharshi Balmiki Hospital. Delhi is the capital of India. Its old name is Khandavaprastha. In certain time its name had changed.
Returning of Satyuga
It is 100% truth that once a destruction on large level has to appear because Lord has to establish Dharma. Naturally, battle will appear between good and evil people. In this battle Kali..

GOD BLESSINGS PLAN (ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद योजना )
ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद योजना ईश्वर का यह एक महान वादा है जो उसने आपको दिया है। वह आपको सभी नुकसानों से बचाएगा। यदि आप ईश्वर के आशीर्वाद को मुख्य रूप से भौतिक चीज़ों के दायरे में मानते हैं, तो आपको इन चीज़ों का पीछा करना चाहिए और ईश्वर से उनके लिए प्रार्थना करने में आपको अपना समय व्यतीत करना चाहिए। और ईश्वर पुत्र आदिश्री के द्वारा स्थापित किये गए ईश्वर आशीर्वाद योजना में अपना नामांकन करवाना चाहिए। यदि आज आपने ध्यान नहीं दिया तो आप कलि पुरुष के शासन काल में ईश्वर केअत्यधिक वास्तविक आशीर्वाद से चूक जाएँगे…Click here to read more
KALKI AVATAR(Kalki Maha Avatar)arrived on Indian Soil after passing the 4,32,000 Years of KALIYUGA
Appearance of Lord Kalki
432000 Year of Kaliyuga Have Passed
Shrimad Devi Bhagawatam Ascand – 1, Chapter 1-3, Title “Name of 28 Vyasa” Page No – 25 prophesied that 28th Satya yug, 28th Treta, 28th Dwapara and 27th kali Yug have passed. In every Dwapara Ved Vyasa has taken Avatar with his 28 new names to divide the Vedas into FOUR PART. Their name has written in this chapter. According to Ascand Puran, Chapter – Maheshwari khand – Kumarika Khand, Title ” According to Maha Kaal Description of Shradh-Yug Arrangement” 4,27,000 years passed of Kali Yuga and rest 5000 years are called 28th Kali Yug and it has also passed. Kalki Maha Avatar has taken Avatar on the Indian Soil, Village Shambhal gram. Thus please know about the arrival of Kalki Maha Avatar and search where is the Kalki Maha Avatar in present time ?
Upcoming Programs
Mannat Sabha – 01 Jan
- 1st January is the day of festival MANNAT and holy convocation.
Amazing With Colors Festival – 24 Feb
- On the day of 24th February; nature uses to lose bitterness of cold. Plants, creepers and

Arrival Of Lord Kalki On Indian Soil
Lord manifested Himself in human form through His Own yogamaya and came down among us by controlling His Prakrti. He appeared on this earth on twelfth day of the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha) in the month of Baishakha date 2nd May 1985. (Gita 4:6, kalki-Puran 1;2:15, Kalki comes in Nineteen Eighty Five, third Chapter) Parashurama, Kripa-Charya,Vedvyasa and Asvatthama came to see Him, who was born as an infant. (Kalki-Puran 1;2:25) Lord Kalki is the 10th Avatar of Lord Vishnu, arrived in Sambhalgram. Shri VishnuYasa is His father and Sumati is His mother. Parashurama is His Guruwho taught Him Vedas and gave battle’s knowledge (yudh-vidya) on Mahendra Hill.
Lord Kalki Is Appearing
It is my personal experience based on Holy-scripture to whom I am keeping it before you. I have learnt to long for His (Lord) soon appearing, in the present time. It will be a very visible event! It will not be done in secret. Lord Himself tells us what His return will be like in Gita 4:7
Holy Bible Has Prophesied
Holy Bible has prophesied – The great and notable day of the arrival of Lord Kalki will come when the Sun will turned into darkness and the Moon will turn into blood; And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Bible, Acts 2:20-21)